Friday, March 15, 2013

70 Responses to “Should medical marijuana be legal in Florida?”

  1. 1
    Malcolm Kyle Says:
    Health concerns regarding marijuana tend to come from a self-fueling group of discredited scientists funded by the pharmaceutical, prison, tobacco, and alcohol industries, pushing non-peer-reviewed papers while relying upon reports issued by others in their own group to further support their own grossly misleading research and clearly biased agendas.
  2. 2
    correct term is unlimited intoxication Says:
    What bill is allowing does not appear to be “medical” marijuana any more than a hillbilly granny concoction made from moonshine and sassafras root is “medical” flu treatment!
    I also think Colorado legalizing recreational use of marijuana is reason the federal government should remove any and all national disaster and emergency planning facilities and organizations out of that state! NORAD in a “stoner state”? That is supposed to make us feel safer knowing “stoners” are in charge of our national defense?
    So we are supposed to believe “stoners” urban mythology that pharmaceutical companies are just ignoring the wonderful “healing” powers of that magic weed? Some people have also just fallen off the turnip truck hitting their heads a little too hard because their clouded thinking according to urban legend has nothing to do with consumption of that magic weed!
    If you want to practice “witchcraft” in Florida then do so, just don’t label it medicine if allowing people to self medicate with unlimited amount of intoxicants!
  3. 3
    Full jail cells = big $ Says:
    If GEO Group has $6Mil in chump change to throw away for stadium advertising, you better believe they have alot more to throw at election and reelection campaigns for politicians who promise to keep weed illegal, and offenders in the slammer. Can you imagine the profit loss for GEO if the jails weren’t kept full of dopesmokers? Don’t be surprised to see a push for laws jailing felonious jaywalkers, career litterbugs, serial dogwalkers who don’t pick up Fido’s crap, and especially criminals who rip that “warning” tag off their own mattresses. The pharmaceutical, beer wine and spirits, and tobacco industries also throw $ at politicians to keep competing medical or decriminalized weed from denting their profits. The potential tax revenue from medical marijuana doesn’t personally benefit elected lawmakers, it doesn’t go into their campaign funds or into their pockets.
  4. 4
    citizen Says:
    @correct term is unlimited intoxication, government employees are NOT allowed to snoke pot so there goes your theory. If they are prescribed to a government employee I’m sure they will be reassigned to a menial position to escape the unfair firing lawsuit.
    The states that have legalized marijuana either for medical or recreational use are enjoying the tax benefits. Look, people are going to grow it and smoke it no matter what. Rather than giving the money to the Mexican drug cartel, why not keep it in the state and tax it? A win win for all.
    OK OBIWAN, your turn. Let’s hear how it is Obama’s fault and the RPLL’s, SNAP,TANF, BILLARY, piss pail, Hateful Harry Reid, Wild Bill, baby momma, etc…. Broken record…
  5. 5
    smoking weed is not medicine! Says:
    If you want to practice “witchcraft” in Florida by legalizing and taxing sale of marijuana because of revenues like red light camera fines then do so, just don’t label it practicing medicine if it really is just allowing people to self medicate with unlimited amount of more intoxicants!
    Employees NOT being allowed to smoke weed and NOT using because at any time under random testing by employer are completely different! Just like taking a medically prescribed dosage of a chemical is completely different than granny making up a batch of varied dosage home made intoxication!
  6. 6
    Chris Says:
    What we must keep in mind is that Prohibition does NOT work. PERIOD. Here in South Florida, it is easier, (and cheaper) to buy pot, then it is to buy certain types of cold medications. Pot is never ever going to go away. It has been banned, in some sort of fashion since the Marijuana Tax Act of 1933, then the Control Substance Act of 1971, yet some 80 years later, pot is everywhere in south Florida.
    All one has to do to buy pot is simply walk next door, because chances are that your neighbor is selling it. Pot dealers these days aren’t the “typical gang banging drug dealers” that we have been lead to think all these years.. People do not smoke pot because people sell pot. This is not how supply and demand works. People sell pot because people want to buy it. It’s that simple and that is never going to change. Period.
    Lets stop “pissing in the wind” and wasting billions of tax dollars to enforce a law, that is unenforceable. I do not have a opinion on what would be the best way for Florida to go about doing this, rather it be decriminalizing, legalization and regulation or what have you not. What can be seen, is that the approach that we have been taking for the past 80 some odd years is NOT working.
    Our current approach is sending otherwise law obeying citizens to prison, where they then become harden criminals who when released, have a 40 % HIGHER chance of being involved in a violent crime then they were before. I do not condone smoking pot, However sending someone to jail on the grounds that they want to use a plant, rather it is for medicinal or recreational purposes, is board line retarded and a clear definition of insanity. We can NOT continue to do the same things over and over but expect different results. No matter where you stand on this issue, WE ALL can agree that we the people of Florida, need a set of different results when it comes to substance abuse. As long as we continue to do the same things, we will get the same results. It’s time to try something different..
    I do not smoke pot, but I know many that do, who lead otherwise normal law obeying tax paying lives. From what I can see, the most serious side effect of pot, is the possibility of going to jail..
  7. 7
    kevin hunt Says:
    Medicinal marijuana is not ‘witchcraft’. Pharma pills kill 20,000 Americans per year and marijuana has never caused a single death in 5,000 years of recorded history. Anyone that is against medical marijuana is a private prison investor, or a big pharma shill.
    The American Medical Association has reported that “Results of short term controlled trials indicate that smoked cannabis reduces neuropathic pain, improves appetite and caloric intake especially in patients with reduced muscle mass,and may relieve spasticity and pain in patients with multiple sclerosis.” Source: REPORT 3 OF THE COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND PUBLIC HEALTH (I-09) Use of Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes (Resolutions 910, I-08;921, I-08;and 229, A-09) (Reference Committee K)
  8. 8
    OBIWAN Says:
    Smoking – tobacco or whackyweed – should be enforced as to the current Federal statues making the manufacture, sale or distribution of known carcinogenic compounds illegal.
    We should only allow the sale of extractives for those licensed medical doctors proscribe nicotine or THC – they call them ‘edibles’ or ‘pills’.
    Let’s at least be honest and admit you just want to get high on whackyweed! Been there, done that, imagine the CHAOS if current employers are only getting 3-4 hours of work from smartphone/email/twitter addicted ‘teenagers’ thinking the world owes them a living were encouraged to get and stay high 24/7/365 as the Colorado High bunch proclaims so loudly?
    Chicago increased cig ‘sin taxes’ to within 20 cents of New York’s $6.83, raising the price to $11 a pack. Should SNAP include cigarettes and a little vino along with the new ‘convenience’ foods as our food TZAR complains they shouldn’t have to cook that free food?
  9. 9
    Kush Timez » Another Reminder of Why Changes in Medical Marijuana Policy Can’t Wait – Huffington Post Says:
    [...] Jeff Clemens Says It's About CompassionNew Times Broward-Palm Beach (blog)The Inquisitr -Palm Beach Post (blog)all 47 news articles » No Comments Add comment Click here to cancel [...]
  10. 10
    Another Reminder of Why Changes in Medical Marijuana Policy Can’t Wait – Huffington Post | Medical Marijuana News Says:
    [...] Palm Beach Post (blog) [...]
  11. 11
    Medical marijuana bill introduced in Florida House, Senate - WUFT - Young Hector Says:
    [...] Palm Beach Post (blog) [...]
  12. 12
    Michael Cohen Says:
    It has been around for hundreds of years and G. Washington smoked it for medical reasons. Why was it banned? The History Channel did an interesting program dealing with this subject and claimed that by the 1930′s the technology had advanced where the plant could easily be converted into paper and made much cheaper then trees. However, Hearst, the big publisher at that time, had a big investment in trees and started to attack the plant. He produced vicious propaganda claiming it causes madness and other problems and finally the feds banned it.
    I have heard that clothing made from the hemp or marijuana plant could last hundreds of years. Clothing has been handed down through the generations. So here is another reason to ban the plant: the clothing industry would be ruined if clothing could last forever
  13. 13
    Kevin Hunt Says:
    @ Obiwan…I am amused by your ignorance. Marijuana is not, by itself, carcinogenic. Marijuana does not cause cancer.
    “as to the current Federal statues making the manufacture, sale or distribution of known carcinogenic compounds illegal.”?!? Where did you get this idea? Gasoline, bug killer, (aflatoxin found in peanuts) and a host of other things are carcinogenic and are not illegal under federal law.
    As far as teen use in went DOWN after the dispensaries opened. You are seriously uneducated.
  14. 14
    Kush Timez » Another Reminder of Why Changes in Medical Marijuana Policy Can’t Wait – Huffington Post Says:
    [...] Palm Beach Post (blog) [...]
  15. 15
    Medical marijuana bill introduced in Florida House, Senate – WUFT | Says:
    [...] Palm Beach Post (blog) [...]
  16. 16
    Kush Timez » Medical marijuana bill introduced in Florida House, Senate – WUFT Says:
    [...] Palm Beach Post (blog) [...]
  17. 17
    'Yeah man..... cool' Says:
    My understanding is that marijuana relieves illness/nausea caused by chemotherapy and radiation therapy- it enables the patient to eat. In that case, okay. Also it’s a treatment for glaucoma.
    The slippery slope here is kids will think ‘yeah man, there’s nothing wrong with it’……. and become dull, complacent, unambitious & expand their ‘partying’ to other ‘highs’.
  18. 18
    booger Says:
    @ shit-a-zin
    Quit rollin the big ‘fat’ ones and smell the damn coffee.
  19. 19
    TrafficAvenger Says:
    Kevin Hunt,
    What you are saying is the nearest thing to the truth of all the posters here. It is a fact that in the 5 thousand years of cannabis use by mankind both for medical and recreational use there is not single death documented on the planet.The facts are there are many benefits from cannabis for pain management and mental disorders.Without brain damage or cancer causing side affects as some of the uneducated here would have us believe.
    Just last week in a Oregon state house subcommittee on mental health. Doctors from the V.A. testified that for treating veterans, the best medicine for treating these vets was cannabis. Even vets testified before the committee how it had improved their quality life over the pills that were being pushed on them.
    But then again you and I both know whenever someone refers to cannabis as whacky weed. The though of an adult conversation or debate about cannabis is not going to be apart of the fantasy world they live in.
    There is so much more to cover in this conversation, from the medical programs in California and Israel to the decriminalization in Portugal where usage among young people went down after passage, not up as some would want us to believe.
    These are facts that can be found on the internet if anyone cares to look before they spew there ignorance.
    Now then lets talk about wasted resources.
    L.E.A.P……………………………………Law Enforcement Against Prohibition……………………..
    Look, Listen and Learn
    From the men and women who are put on the front line of this losing war on cannabis and the failure it is and has been for over 70 years.
    The key to getting cannabis off the books as deadly drug is education of the mass’s with what is true and what is fantasy. Go to this website and educate yourselves about the lies that have been spoon fed to us for so many years by are government for the benefit of the corporations who stand to lose so much of their bottom line once the truth about the poisons they sell is told.From tobacco to alcohol to prisons for profits.
    Ignorance is curable with knowledge.
    Education is the key, the internet will be the tool. Educate yourself then tell others about what you have learned and how you learned it.
    Cannabis is not evil. Lack of education is evil and wrong. Educate yourselves and spread your new found knowledge with others.
    Thanks for reading.
    Have a nice day.
  20. 20
    OBIWAN Says:
    Mikey… why do all the sailors/boaters/yachtsmen/etc. all use that nylon, polyester, kevlar or combination rope goods … if that rotting carcass hemp rope was so-o-o-o good.
    Don’t recall any historical expose of G. Washinton’s whackyweed consumption, nor is there any law outlawing the making of newsprint from hemp plants – which would not be the same or even usefull for the stuff people get high on!
    The problems again is TRUTH. You should just be honest and admit you want to get high – instead of using the same LIE that all life on this planet would somehow be improved if our 3rd graders showed up too high for school each day.
    You don’t notice your 30 something friends cannot remember shat? Can you even remember their names most days, beyond hey, “dude” or “dudette”. HollyWeird supports this ‘normalization’ as they have their polyamourous trouple smoking a joint after MA – rated fake sex… as their serial killer cult is working hard to get one member his first taste of slashing the bound victim’s throat…
    Edibles is the only compound that should be legal when the AMA lists the specific medical treatments for such use.
    Not reported here – Bejing / Peking is now so smogged their instruments cannot measure those high levels!
  21. 21
    TrafficAvenger Says:
    Seeing the subject of hemp was brought up……..
    Why is it that the U.S. Navy and all the commercial shipping ports in the U.S. have to buy all of their “HEMP ROPE” from China?
    Because hemp production in the U.S. is illegal by federal law. But give the person a gold star for knowing it is worthless to try and get high on. There have been a number of shows on the History Channel about the farmers around the country who are waiting to cultivate for hemp and can’t do to federal laws
    So why is it illegal to cultivate for hemp, a simple plant that you can not get high on, in the good ole U.S. of A.?
    If anyone can find out let the rest of us in on the secret.
    Why is it the U.S. Navy and U.S. ports still use hemp rope for all its ships at mooring?
    Superior quality when compared to the synthetic rope.
    Cannabis is also acknowledged as a valid medicine by Medical Doctors and there associations in 16 states, Washington D.C. and several countries around the world.
    As far as the part of getting high? Call it what you want. I broke my neck in my early twenties and cannabis is the one drug I can depend on to help rid the pain and not make me feel like a zombie through out the day. My Neurologist is willing to give me what ever pills I want, and has given me whatever pills I want, but I would rather smoke the cannabis and be a pot head then to be doing the pills and living in la la land all day.
    Then again, it is my body and my health and nobody other then me and my Doctor should be allowed to tell me what not and what to do or take or what not to take for or with my health.
    And that is the facts and the truth in the proverbial nut shell.
    There is not a single or valid reason why cannabis should not be legal and regulated in this country.
    End the madness End Prohibition.
  22. 22
    Glen H. Says:
    Medical marijuana is a legitimate tool for relief of some illnesses and should be legal for those extreme cases. However, there are many many people in legal marijuana states with medical licenses for “stress”, “pain”, “anxiety”, and other convenient problems that are simply made up. There are thousands of 20 somethings in California with “chronic pain” that ski, skateboard, make children, and party but need medical marijuana. That needs to stop.
  23. 23
    nemo Says:
    I notice the the palm beach post does not allow me, or any other desenters, to post relevant stories…guess obama must not like any desenters.
  24. 24
    booger Says:
    I hope sometime today, ‘TrafficAvenger’ finds some highly potent dope, blindfolds his/herself and pulls his/her pink panties down around his/her ankles with thumb in mouth and tries to cross I-95 in a thick fog like he/she lives in.
    No shit.
  25. 25
    OBIWAN Says:
    ‘booger’ you must be more patient and loving of the mentally insane! Indeed, now that scientists have discovered the liberal gene DRD4 that causes the mental insanity of Rabid Progressive Liberal Loons…
    … surely a treatment cannot be that far in our future!
    It is fortunate only 20% of Americans admit to this liberal affliction.
    It is fortunate latest polls show only 6% of Americans have any trust left for the RPLL lamestream media using their Newspapers Preservation Act monopoly to spew bankrupt NYT wannabe doom and gloom Marxist propaganda psychobabble exclusively.
  26. 26
    TrafficAvenger Says:
    booger, OBIWAN,
    booger is still the bully on the playground and OBIWAN is still searching for the man behind the curtain as he travels the yellow brick road looking for the land of Oz. Fantasy land must be grand when you are the king of the little people.
    Doing a battle of wit’s with you two is like doing a battle of wits with an unarmed man. One can’t stay with the story line and the other can’t seem to figure out what the story is about. I will leave it to you two as too who is who.
    The only thing OBIWAN did get right. Like a bad case of flatulence, this to shall pass.
    God I love this country.
    It is people you two that makes this world so much fun for the rest of us.
  27. 27
    OBIWAN Says:
    booger and I are actually lovers who hate this nation…. We oppose everything the majority of Americans are for, hope this nation fails, and are just angry that we are losers….
  28. 28
    Michael Cohen Says:
    George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew and smoked the hemp plant as it was called in those days. See George Washington Marjuana on google. Both them would be arrested and put in prison if they did that today. In Washington’s memoirs he said he smoked it for medical reasons.
  29. 29
    !*$%D#H^ Says:
    @ Cohen, Look at you go doper boy, we need you as the senior citizen doper of the year. Did you remember to change your Depends after shitting your self because your too stoned to get up and use the crapper instead.Your a pathetic slug who has no common sense and will ask the govt. to provide your weed for you.Keep smoking Cohen, we need ass wipes like you for statistics on brainless fake teachers and the effects weed has on your vacuum space between your ears. Your an embarrassment to our people, you Putz!!
  30. 30
    greg Says:
    it’s good to see obiwan and booger agreeing. the two biggest losers on this or any blog. as usual, they can’t look at the whole picture….only their own petty, narrow minded opinions. !*$%D#H….you would do well to smoke some pot instead of whatever drugs you are on…
  31. 31
    burst those bubble heads Says:
    “In Washington’s memoirs he said he smoked it for medical reasons.”
    President George Washington also had wooden dentures, shot a musket, dumped his chamber pot out the window and owned slaves!
    Medicine has advanced well beyond President Washington’s days!
    Smoking weed today is more like dumping your chamber pot out the window than it is modern medicine! Governments approval of smoking weed in order to collect tax revenues is more like owning slaves than it is modern medicine!
    Also… don’t act like AMA or any modern medical journals haven’t presented studies on harmful human activities! Simply posting a “study” you find in some medical journal, without presenting the discussions within that study of pros and cons, is deceitful!
    Just because a few “medical” practitioners can be found supporting the “sale” of some treatment does not prove the “medical” benefits and just as likely can prove the “financial” benefits limited to the sellers!
    We have had enough with clean coal, housing bubbles, slam dunk wars, and cost shifting of illegal employment to know a sales job when we see one! This farce of “medical” marijuana is one big whopper of a sales job by profit hungry financial “witches and wizards” but certainly not modern medical science!
  32. 32
    trade you some beans for your gold Says:
    Taking “medical” advice from pot sellers is like taking foreign diplomacy advice on North Korea from Dennis Rodman!
  33. 33
    Mike Parent Says:
    For all you nay sayers, Here are statements from Doctors regarding the subject As for the advancement of medicine, please tell us why 40000 people die annually taking medicine that was prescribed for them and passed on to the public with the FDA’s blessing?
  34. 34
    nay sayer Says:
    “As for the advancement of medicine, please tell us why 40000 people die annually taking medicine …?”
    Don’t know where you obtained your statistics or why you choose to assume there are no (or amazingly never would be) deaths attributed to marijuana use either! You just touted some fear of prescribed medicines but magic (or fogged logic) protects users of marijuana from such “advanced medicine” evils because the “witches and wizards” selling and taxing weed have only the best interest of public in mind and not profits! Yeah right just like it wasn’t thousands more saved when advanced scientific standards and practices bring forward concerns over medications!
  35. 35
    Elroy Marks Says:
    I have Crohns disease. I take Remicade, a biological medication, which can cause cancer as well as a host of other side effects. Like getting shingles and having post pain that lasts for years, like me. My nephew was on the same thing, he died of cancer from it.
    Smoking marijuana gives the same results as taking Remicade, but without the side effects.
    What would you prefer?
    Come on Florida, get the the program
  36. 36
    Mike Parent Says:
    @ Nay Sayer; (Marijuana Mortality) “Indeed, epidemiological data indicate that in the general population marijuana use is not associated with increased mortality.”
    Janet E. Joy, Stanley J. Watson, Jr., and John A Benson, Jr., “Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base,” Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, Institute of Medicine (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999), p. 109.
  37. 37
    kevin hunt Says:
    “Medicine has advanced well beyond President Washington’s days” ?!? In some respects, it hasn’t. Watch any commercial for pills on TV and you will see that and FDA approved ‘medicine’ is vastly more dangerous than marijuana. The ‘war on drugs’ is about forcing us to rely on the government and their corrupt stooges at the FDA so we have to take their Obamacare death-pills. Anyone like ‘bubble head’ that believes in witchcraft needs to go back to Salem in the 1700′s. What a bunch of nonsense and non-science.
  38. 38
    stoners are so funny Says:
    “Indeed, epidemiological data indicate that in the general population marijuana use is not associated with increased mortality.”
    That statement actually says nothing. It could be scientists and doctors are not looking at such factors! You could just as well say epidemiological data indicate that in the general population hair dye use is not associated with increased mortality. Where are the referenced individuals Phd’s or credentials supporting their credibility to make such assertions?
    Nothing said by those such as “kevin hunt” can be considered credible enough for response when you read the distortions!
  39. 39
    answer this Says:
    In those states where “medical” marijuana is legal are the “patients” signing waivers stating they will not hold “prescriber” and sellers responsible for adverse effects?
  40. 40
    Mike Parent Says:
    @stoners are so funny Says:
    (“Indeed, epidemiological data indicate that in the general population marijuana use is not associated with increased mortality.”)
    That statement actually says nothing. It could be scientists and doctors are not looking at such factors!
    Can you provide one cite showing marijuana ingestion as the cause of death? And are you implying MEs, who are Drs, aren’t looking for a Cause of Death? TIA
  41. 41
    Dempsey Says:
    Well…. Isn’t that nice. While searching for more thought provoking discussions on topics of interest, looking to gain some knowledge from another point of view, I come back for a visit…..and still see the same two bumbling idiots Obiwan and Booger are still here. You two douche bags should hook up and take your show on the road.
    As far as medical marijuana, legalize it, make a few bucks for cancer research or off set some other taxpayer cost. They should probably legalize all forms of marijuana so when I retire in 20 years and no longer have to have random drug tests, I’ll start smoking it again too. I’ve seen what the legal drugs do, it’s actually a lot better than opiate based pain pills that’s currently wrecking so many lives.
    Then again, idiots like the two mentioned above would rather have Big Pharma control the purse strings and call the shots. Those two knuckledraggers fail to see the big picture. Yep, I called you two names, I have to lower myself to get my point across to you clowns.
    Ass Hats
  42. 42
    I don't think so! Says:
    “Can you provide one cite showing marijuana ingestion as the cause of death?”
    Potheads’ standards are pretty low for making marijuana a legal “medical” treatment compared to most other prescribed medicines!
    Is “people die” so many ways some big scientific news proof marijuana causes no harm or more importantly reason for states to declare there is “medical” necessity for marijuana? I don’t think so!
  43. 43
    kevin hunt Says:
    stoners are so funny Says: “Nothing said by those such as “kevin hunt” can be considered credible enough for response when you read the distortions!”
    Good..I’m glad you aren’t refuting my statements. This is the reason that your beloved and failed marijuana prohibition is losing on a state-by-state basis.
    I don’t think so! Says: “Potheads’ standards are pretty low for making marijuana a legal “medical” treatment compared to most other prescribed medicines!”
    You mean ‘doesn’t cause death’ is a ‘low standard’? The FDA’s standards are much lower…they consider 20,000 deaths from pills each year to be ‘acceptable collateral damage’. Marijuana still has not caused a death in 5,000 years. It is safer than peanuts or aspirin in that respect.
    I love arguing with the prohibitionist fools that believe in ‘witchcraft’. Superstitious idiots!
  44. 44
    booger Says:
    @ greg, Dempsey
    As I read Both of your rebuttals to my posts, I could say with tongue in cheek that you have a point.
    But I would be kidding myself. I could give a SHIT less what you think……
    And the word ‘Ass Hats’ is a name I came up with ….
    With dumb-asses like you two in mind.
    F- OFF.
  45. 45
    booger Says:
    Oh, and to ‘TrafficAvenger’
    Pull em up over your ears , take a whiff and enjoy …….
    Bullies have been kicking your gay ass for years.
  46. 46
    stoners still cannot answer this Says:
    In those states where “medical” marijuana is legal are the “patients” signing waivers stating they will not hold “prescriber” and sellers responsible for adverse effects?
    Truth is no doctors write out formal prescriptions but some make money writing “recommendations” for purchasing marijuana to “provide relief” to a “patient” who wants to use marijuana as their intoxication of choice.
    Nothing said by those such as “kevin hunt” can be considered credible enough for response is correct! When there is no reference for statistics posts are simply distorted propaganda!
    If there is real belief in medical benefits to marijuana bills would not be passed by states allowing home growing and self doses! It is those state by state bills which now are preventing corporate activity being initiated into costly formal studies and research necessary for public trust and consumer protection!
    Prohibition of marijuana is because of scientific process denial and unprofessional behavior of marijuana promoters! Silly back and forth exchanges on the Internet will not hold sway with employers to insurance providers!
  47. 47
    Mike Parent Says: “The evidence in support of allowing medical marijuana is overwhelming. The benefits are great, and the drawbacks are minimal, if they exist at all. It is time for our state to stop spending its limited resources arresting and prosecuting seriously ill people who are using marijuana in the treatment of their conditions” Dr Paul Clancy
  48. 48
    kevin hunt Says:
    “stoners still cannot answer this Says: ” Nothing said by those such as “kevin hunt” can be considered credible enough”
    Here is your statistic on prescription drug deaths:
    “In fact, prescription drugs cause most of the more than 26,000 fatal overdoses each year, says Leonard Paulozzi of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
    Lets see your statistic on ‘marijuana deaths per year’.
    Where in this country are “patients” signing waivers stating they will not hold “prescriber” and sellers responsible for the adverse effects of prescription drugs?
    Prohibition of marijuana is because of five robber barons in the 1930′s who hated people with brown skin, not because of “scientific process denial “, whatever that means.
  49. 49
    where is the science funny people Says:
    West Virginia newspaper quoted opinion by a doctor which still references no science is not why federal laws should be changed! Doctors for decades have been known for unfairly placing real world responsibility from financial burdens of healthcare to insurance to addictions onto employers! So big surprise now some doctors interested in cutting their taxes and increasing their profits want to add another known illegal intoxicant into the confusion over who pays the price and for nothing but essentially urban legends wrapped in political biased tax solutions!
  50. 50
    TrafficAvenger Says:
    To those who have stayed on story line and presented their views, opinions, facts and fantasies of the pros and cons of legalized cannabis. I would like to commend you for continuing the debate in a civil tone and manner. I think, the pros are dealing more with the facts and most of the cons are dealing with old wives tales, boogie man sightings, fantasy and repeating things they have been told time and time again as the truth. If someone is told long enough that the sky is purple, overtime they will believe the sky is purple.
    Some people are just set in their ways and will always think cannabis is the devil weed and will never able to see past their teachings of so many years. We are not only trying to change the minds of the doubters but trying to provide them with the path to the educations and knowledge they have been denied.
    Here again I would like to say to the ones who are in fear of legalized cannabis. Education is the key to your decisions on this debate and the internet is the best tool we have to separate truth from fantasy.
    Do not take the words of the pros as the gospel. Hit the internet and do your own research and make up your own minds. Continue the debate with friends and family. Spread your new found knowledge to them as well.
    Again I would like to encourage people to look at the site of,
    L.E.A.P……..Law Enforcement Against Prohibition……. It is a real good site to start your research, but please try and keep an open mind while doing your research.
    To those who have and will do the research.
    Thank you for your time. And have a great day.
    Now then on to”Booger Picker”.
    Thanks for the best laugh I have had in “Years”.
    You have no idea the fond memories you sent me back too. The last time I had to deal with the playground bully was many, many, many moons ago in the 9th. grade. There were 3 of them and they to were going to pull my panties up over my head and take my lunch money.
    Bullies like to pick on people who are small in frame or different from them.
    The leader of the pack got a dislocated elbow, the second went to the hospital with a broken jaw and the last punk got both eyes swelled shut with a broken nose. I was expelled for the remainder of the school year and was sent to private school by my father for the remainder of my school years.
    My Uncle, may he rest in peace, who had had the fore sight to pay for and send me to all those years of judo and jujitsu lessons as a little kid laughed his azz off. He was as proud of me as if I were his own kid.
    Thanks for the laugh, thanks for the memories and thanks for making my uncle smile in heaven.
    You made our day.
    TA :)
  51. 51
    duh Says:
    Nothing said by those such as “kevin hunt” can be considered credible enough for response is still correct! Even when there is attempt to supply reference the posts are proven simply distorted and propaganda!
    No where in this country patients are signing waivers stating they will not hold prescribers and sellers responsible for the adverse effects of approved prescription drugs because federal tests requirements and review process don’t require patients to sign away legal rights!
    Don’t you propagandists have some programing code you need to straighten out that you screwed up from the last time your high hadn’t worn off? Your total lack of ethics and understanding of simple scientific process has now been well displayed and certainly does nothing for your cause!
  52. 52
    traffic entangler is more like it Says:
    What does any law enforcement organization has to say about use of intoxicants have to do with a scientific government approved investigation of what employer supplied health insurance patients should be medically authorized to use for healthcare purposes?
  53. 53
    kevin hunt Says:
    F*ck you “duh”. You can’t answer any of my questions because you know that marijuana prohibition is a lie.
    Prohibitionists = Devil Worshippers.
    A non-psychoactive component of marijuana, CBD, may be useful in preventing or treating alzheimer’s. Anyone caught with this lifesaving chemical contained in a marijuana plant faces jail time by the feds (except for a handful of federal medical marijuana patients). Is the government trying to kill us by denying us this plant? Perhaps it is sweet justice that anti-marijuana crusader Ronald Reagan would have been helped by this plant, but instead died in an alzheimer’s induced stupor?
    Source: “Alzheimer’s disease; taking the edge off with cannabinoids? “
  54. 54
    Mike Parent Says:
    @ where is the science funny people. My other posts are awaiting Moderation (Censorship) but google “israel medical marijuana” and you’ll see the Science. Federal law hasn’t changed, not due to a lack of evidence proving it should be, but rather due to a Prohibitionist Agenda by people who profit from it. In 1988, DEA Administrative Judge Francis Young wrote in a report.
    COMMISSIONED by the DEA; “Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of
    the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any
    measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within a
    supervised routine of medical care.”…”
  55. 55
    let us get the paranoid stoners riled again Says:
    Ahhhh see! Now the discussion stops when the stoners propaganda and urban legends are challenged! We were just getting started with the whole picture. We didn’t even get to asking why did the hard won work at home policy gets revoked by the first of many employers sick of losing profit share to stoners abusing the generosity of the employer? Why did Mr. Gates need those imported IT employees? Stoners going to get those employer rules No, No, No highs while during, at, or on company business revoked by legislators? Think that private businesses not in IT won’t dry up like in stoner states when revenues don’t keep up to burdens of stoned employees and public? It won’t be too many more years before IT companies will be searching for states that can free them from stoners! Now that will be real right to work states! Right to have work done by sober employees!
  56. 56
    TrafficAvenger Says:
    Kevin Hunt,
    Don’t bring yourself down to the levels of the trolls and booger pickers.
    Sticking to the facts and reasons is better for the debate then entertaining the bottom dwellers.
    Keep up the fight. You are doing a good job for the cause and there is no need for you to bring yourself down to their level.
  57. 57
    boogie man are everywhere now Says:
    There they go again! Blaming their fact free propaganda failures on those imaginary “trolls”! Special scapegoat “beasts” that develop as paranoid symptoms advance with continued use of weed erasing all reason and ethics!
  58. 58
    Mike Parent Says:
    @let us get the paranoid stoners riled again
    There goes your theory!
    Silicon Valley’s secret ingredient? Marijuana, says Bloomberg report
  59. 59
    what theory? Says:
    It is a “secret ingredient” because the Silicon Valley employers don’t want employees getting high at work. Is there hazy denial now too many illegal drug use highs causes mistakes and delays? Stoners denying why everyone working at home will be thing of the past? We all have witnessed how well coders can code while high when we read and hear about the latest problems with vote counting software programs in Palm Beach County! Then there are all the other glitches and errors that have varying results from not accessing email to electronic stock trading misplaced decimals wild financial rides! Corporations or taxes payers are supposed to spend billions fighting cyber crime with Silicon Valley staffs being high from illegal drug usage making just as costly mistakes?
  60. 60
    Dempsey Says:
    A very enlightened response Mr. Booger. Did you console with your circle jerk buddy Obiwan for that reply. Why don’t you leave the Op-Ed pages for the adults, the ones that can have a reasonable discussion and can agree to disagree. Most find your comments completely irrelevant on these topics.You hijack threads and make the actual smart people go away.
    Hey fat boy, no one cares about your comments either, click to the other window and get back to your porn and cheetos.
    Ass Hat
  61. 61
    Mike Parent Says:
    @what theory? You just make things up as you go along. You’re trolling.
  62. 62
    ineffective magic mike Says:
    Oh go throw your pouting tantrums elsewhere marijuana addicts! Those silly “troll” labels are nothing but ineffective propaganda control techniques anyway! It is irresponsible to exclude legitimate business concerns and current news from discussions on preventing erroneous “medical” decisions by a state which could harm future employment opportunities!
  63. 63
    Mike Parent Says:
    @ineffective magic mike AKA Cybil. Who said anything about excluding business concerns? TIA. Silly Troll labels are for silly troll. Treat marijuana as we do any other substance. Can’t you accept that other substances have had to reach the same scrutiny and caveats as marijuana will. You said, ” Why did Mr. Gates need those imported IT employees? ” My answer is that they’re better educated and more proficient. What’s your take? AND are you saying marijuana has no medicinal uses? TIA again.
  64. 64
    TrafficAvenger Says:
    Mike Parent,
    “Cybil”.”Silly Troll”. “Classic” Hats off. Two gold stars.
  65. 65
    OBIWAN Says:
    My rants against Rabid Progressive Liberal Loons is generic spot on – 20% of America are infected with the DRD4 ‘liberal’ gene that predisposes them to silly acts and little fact-based objectivity!
    What happens when the eventual ‘cure’ is found to correct that mutated ‘gene’?
    The United States has a national law making marijuana illegal. The United Nations is concerned our Federal GOVT is already in violation of international treaties that hold the same – as in Colorado and Washington. AG Eric Holder has said he is studying the situation – how long does it take to read the 100 pages that apply and make a common sense decision? Oh, but then, this is the same AG that decided he and BARAMA did not like Immigration, Employment, Drug or DOMA – so they issue specific regulations and guidance to avoid doing so?
    Latest memo reminds one dept ‘not to contradict the White House on the pain of Sequestration’, to assure the pain reported is indeed carried out.
    Big Sis is reducing the 30,000 Illegal Aliens in prison to 25,000 by releasing 5,000 criminals. Her budget was for 35,000 prison beds for Illegal Aliens. Of the 450,000 Illegal Aliens actually deported last year, over half were violent criminal felons – ICE now refuses to pick up any Illegal Aliens that haven’t committed multiple criminal offenses!
    You believe in legalizing drugs… state your position. We spend $ Billion every year on National Institutes Health for MD grants to study every know chemical compound known to man. Federal law requires biologicals and prescription drug ‘final results’ to actually be published – none indicate any ‘cures’ thus far from whackweed? The newest NIH Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine has funded nearly 500 ‘grants’ of vitamins to faith healing – but forgot to require the MD’s getting those grants to file a ‘final results’, so we got under a dozen. You really think the Washington DC Money Laundry is concerned with making your life better?
    Flying over the nation at low altitude and dropping bales of $$$ would be more effective – and cheaper – than the slime pit we got now!
  66. 66
    Rigoberto Says:
    Smoke big fat reefer and go to LaGranja, bro.
    All the chicks at LaGranja en Hialeah having big papaya.
  67. 67
    TrafficAvenger Says:
    Here it is at days end of day five and the tally for the question of.
    Should medical cannabis be legal in Florida?
    91.0% say YES.
    09.0% say NO.
    Sometimes numbers speak louder then words.
    These numbers speak volumes.
    Put the question on the ballot. Let the voters decide.
    End the madness that is prohibition. End the Prohibition of cannabis.
    Have a great day.
  68. 68
    booger Says:
    I see ,TrafukkAvenger aka Dempsee is back after getting his/her ass whipped on the kindergarten playground….
    Not surprising.
  69. 69
    Dan Says:
    Absolutely YES! The time is now to legalize & make $$ off of Marijuana. The $$ savings in police, court, and jail time expenses relating to Mar. are awful. Tax $$ need to be spent on crimes that are dangerous/violent. Most all of those who smoke pot are either benefitting from pain relief, stress, athritis, and many other ailments like cancer. Smoking pot will help insomniacs sleep, help people cope with high stress, and enjoy life a little more. Many pot smokers are non drinkers, mellow, and just want to be left alone. I have never of a stoner starting a bar room brawl or smashing up 1-3 cars while high on pot. I have know hundreds of people since high school who stillo smoke it. Many are highly respected professionals like police & lawyers. IE: Law abiding taxpayers who contribute to society in every way. All we want is to use Marijuana for whatever reason(s) which is NO different from those of you who drink booze and smoke cigarettes. Both of those will get you killed. One more thing-Marijuana is in NO way addictive! Only those who WANT to graduate to higher/dangerous drugs do them. Marijuana is NOT the evil drug our Govt. would have us all believe.
  70. 70
    Ricy Mardona Says:

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